Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brie, Please!

In walks Marian happy and excited as usual especially when she is talking about her favorite subject: FOOD! How was your day I asked. I need some Brie she tells me. Oh are you making dinner. No its for my French class. OK, Marian proceeds to tell me how she had to choose a item made in France to research and present to the class. She explained the process of making Brie. You would have thought she was explaining how a Diamond is mined. Mom I love talking about food. Oh I know and anyone who spends a moment with you will know.

 I run to the store to pick up items for dinner and Marian's Brie. Marian calls just before I turn down our street. You will see me in a minute, I explain. She meets me at the door the moment I arrive home and starts to turn in circles a she cradles the golden triangle package of brie. This is exactly what I wanted. Im glad. She places it in the refrigerator and hums up the stairs to finish her homework. In walks DH from a long day. He opens the door and spots the Brie immediately ( he is a very detailed man, he notices everything). Brie? He asked with a puzzled face. Its for Marian's French class. He smiles and closes the door. I appreciate DH and how he respects the other chef in the house.