Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brie, Please!

In walks Marian happy and excited as usual especially when she is talking about her favorite subject: FOOD! How was your day I asked. I need some Brie she tells me. Oh are you making dinner. No its for my French class. OK, Marian proceeds to tell me how she had to choose a item made in France to research and present to the class. She explained the process of making Brie. You would have thought she was explaining how a Diamond is mined. Mom I love talking about food. Oh I know and anyone who spends a moment with you will know.

 I run to the store to pick up items for dinner and Marian's Brie. Marian calls just before I turn down our street. You will see me in a minute, I explain. She meets me at the door the moment I arrive home and starts to turn in circles a she cradles the golden triangle package of brie. This is exactly what I wanted. Im glad. She places it in the refrigerator and hums up the stairs to finish her homework. In walks DH from a long day. He opens the door and spots the Brie immediately ( he is a very detailed man, he notices everything). Brie? He asked with a puzzled face. Its for Marian's French class. He smiles and closes the door. I appreciate DH and how he respects the other chef in the house.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Giggles and squeals

" Marian, Marian ohhh Marian", I firmly spoke, "speak to the man". I could hear Chef Marcus Samuelsson talk so sweetly and kindly to my 15year old as she held her breath for each word he spoke. He told her that she sounded sweet and he hopes that she comes up to visit his restaurant.

Marian was thrilled to speak to her 1st celebrity chef. Her DF is up in Delaware for business and being a Foodie he could not resit the temptation to visit a Harlem restaurant. To his delight Chef Samuelsson of The Red Rooster was walking out as DH walked in. He was very gracious he took a picture with DH and spoke with our daughter on the phone. Marian did every thing she could to contain herself enough to talk to him. I heard her say hello and thank you. At that point she fell face down on my bedroom floor kicking, arms flailing and squealing. She got up gasping for air and smiling so big it took over her face. Wow! is about all I can say.

Thanks DH for going up to Harlem. Thank you God for teenage girls and moments that make them squeal.